For 42 years we've been making sure each customer finds the right bike that fits perfectly.

Bike needs a service? We'll make sure to get you back out there quickly! We're  committed to quality services and repairs day in and day out.

No matter the path you travel, we've got your back at the Bicycle Rack...

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Gift Cards

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Something for the rider who has ALMOST everything!


Helmets, jerseys, gloves, pants, windbreakers, balaclavas etc.


Tubes, tires, pumps, patch kits, tire levers, chain oil, etc.

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Bikes need attention too...

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving."

-Albert Einstein


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Bicycle of the Month..

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Go Green...

With one of our pre-owned bikes


Get out and explore!

Find out whats around the bend....